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Beppo's Bling and Scout's Search for Summit


2024 has been an exciting one for Team Beppo and Team Scout! 

We were fortunate to get into some Elite and Elite Select trials this spring. These trials gave us a chance to head into a search and then step back and be awed by the superpowers our dogs bring to that search. They are amazing! Here are a few highlights.

Blazing Beppo

Beppo is now an Elite 1 Title sniffer! Laura has been patiently (because Beppo does not move fast) helping the little man get his groove on and develop more pep in his step! He is like a CSI agent when he searches. Nothing is going to get past him, but it will take him a little while to get to where all of the hides are hiding. If you could get bonus points for cuteness he would certainly score a few.


Search em' out Scout

This spring Scout was able to earn her Elite Champion Title, as well as her Elite Select Title. She got 100% of the hides in two Elite Select trials and placed 1st and 3rd in those trials. She also had high placements in a number of searches. BUT, may I say we (primarily Mary), still have much to learn. In a couple of searches we got us a big fat “NO" and/or missed a hide or two. To add insult to injury in one search we got a “NO" AND ran out of time! All this to reminds us that on any given trial day you can experience “the thrill of a victory, and the agony of defeat”. Those misses serve as a swift kick in the butt to remind you that you are always a work in progress.

What's Next?

Bad boy Beppo will be working his way towards his Elite 2 Title and his Elite Select Title. He's getting closer all the time, and showing some great progress in every search.

Team Scout is trying to play with the big dogs at Summit. Summit trials are two days long and have very large and complicated searches. We have been told to get used to a lot of no’s and leaving hides behind, because they are hard! But as Tom Hanks said in A League of their Own  “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great”. So it's time to practice, practice and then practice some more!


The Joy and Benefits of Volunteering

Want to know more about Nose Work? You should volunteer at a trial. You’ll see lots of amazing teams, learn lots about Nose Work, and have a fun day with a lot of warm and wonderful people. Plus you can increase your chances of getting into a future trial. See the Frequent Volunteer Reward Program for details. To find out where and when the next NACSW trial is happening, check out the NACSW calendar.


Summer Searches and Training

So farewell to Spring and hello Summer! For us that means over the next few months we’ll all be wearing puffy coats and hoodies. We’re looking forward to getting together with you all and watching you and your pups get their searching groove on!





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